Welcome to our webinars, where high-level international experts share their experiences in implementing tools and strategies to strengthen informed decision making in health. Here you will find dozens of videos, as well as presentations from our guests, transcripts, and recommended technical document.

The collection presented here contains all our webinars conducted fully or partially in English. If you would like to access our full collection of webinars, please visit the Spanish version of our website by changing the language in the upper right corner of this site.

Denizar Araujo presents in this webinar the experience of the Brazilian Unified Health System in the implementation of explicit prioritization policies. He tells us about the role that Health Technology Assessment plays in this process.
Webinar presentado por el Dr. Benedict Rumbold, UK, donde se exploran los pro y los contra para el sistema de salud de El Reino Unido si se decidiera establecer una definición más explícita de beneficios.
Marisa Buglioli presents Uruguay's experience with the design and implementation of the PIAS.
Webinar by Hector Castro carried out for the CRITERIA Network where the Colombian experience in health decision-making using the Health Technology Assessment is presented.
Verónica Gallegos presents us with the challenges and achievements of the use of Health Technology Assessment in Mexico.
Alexandre Lembruger presents some advances and challenges of incorporating health technologies as part of the services financed with public resources. And how the application of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in the region can inform the decisions of the health sector actors
A proposal from the Center for Global Development, USA Webinar hosted by Amanda Glassman on August 9
Mariana Barraza tells us about pharmaceutical policies regarding health prioritization.
Catalina Gutiérrez, Colombia, explains why explicit prioritization should be thought of as a system made up of many actors and processes whose coordination and articulation will be an important determinant of the success of evidence-based coverage decision-making.