Welcome to our webinars, where high-level international experts share their experiences in implementing tools and strategies to strengthen informed decision making in health. Here you will find dozens of videos, as well as presentations from our guests, transcripts, and recommended technical document.
The collection presented here contains all our webinars conducted fully or partially in English. If you would like to access our full collection of webinars, please visit the Spanish version of our website by changing the language in the upper right corner of this site.

In 2015, Chile enacted the Ricarte Soto Law, which creates a fund for high-impact financial interventions. In this presentation, Manuel Espinoza will examine the contribution of the Ricarte Soto Law to the Chilean coverage system, identifying its benefits, its weaknesses, and the challenges facing its implementation. Share experiences […]

Held on September 23, 2016 In this RedETSA webinar, Úrsula Giedion (CRITERIA Coordinator), presents us with the prioritization strategies and processes developed by the IDB within its Regional Public Goods initiative.

En este webinar de RedETSA, Úrsula Giedion (Coordinadora de CRITERIA), nos presenta las estrategias y procesos de priorización desarrollados por el BID dentro de su iniciativa de Bienes Públicos Regionales.

In this presentation, Alexandre Lemgruber will speak about the main achievements and challenges of the Health Technology Assessment Network of the Americas (RedETSA) and will delve into the role of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in the institutionalization of Technology Assessment in Health (ETS) to improve decision making processes […]

In this presentation, Alexandre Lemgruber will speak about the main achievements and challenges of the Health Technology Assessment Network of the Americas (RedETSA) and will delve into the role of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in the institutionalization of Technology Assessment in Health (ETS) to improve decision-making processes in the region. Likewise, the results of the Advance HTA project for the region will be presented, including the regional mapping of the STD situation and decision-making.

James A. Cercone, presents his experience in adjusting the explicit benefit plan in the Dominican Republic in this CRITERIA Network webinar.

Held on August 10, 2016, James A. Cercone, presents his experience in adjusting the explicit benefit plan in the Dominican Republic in this CRITERIA Network webinar.

Held on July 13, 2016 In this seminar, the impacts on economic savings and the important achievements in the coordination and articulation of actions in the context of segmented health systems were disclosed, from the Mexican perspective and after eight years of existence of the CCNPMIS (Coordinating Commission for the […]

In this seminar, the impacts on economic savings and the important achievements in the coordination and articulation of actions in the context of segmented health systems were disclosed, from the Mexican perspective and after eight years of existence of the CCNPMIS (Coordinating Commission for the Negotiation of Prices of Medicines and other Health Supplies).